TERMINATOR 3-FLIPPER KOMMER TIL SOMMEREN! Det er nå bekreftet direkte fra Gary Stern at flipperen basert på filmen Terminator 3 er like rundt hjørnet. Vi har også fått bekreftet at det med stor sannsynlighet vil bli tatt inn noen eksemplarer til Norge! Produksjonen vil starte på Stern-fabrikken om kort tid, og flipperen vil være klar til lanseringen av filmen. Det kommer til å bli mye PR rundt den etterlengtede Terminator-filmen, noe som utvilsomt vil være positivt for markedsføringen av flipperen.
Flipperen er som kjent designet av den populære designeren Steve Richie. Gary Stern kan avsløre i sin pressemelding at Terminator 3 vil ha et ekstra playfield og også en animert bakboks. Filmen har premiere i USA 2. juli og den vil ha premiere på norske kinoer 8. august.
Beskjeden fra Gary Stern er nedenfor gjengitt i sin helhet.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: We will soon be starting our production of Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines, licensed from the movie of the same name. T3 of course stars Arnold Schwarzenegger. The movie release schedule is attached hereto, indicating export market release being mostly late July and early August. Expect a lot of PR before and after the movie is released in your country. The T3 pinball design team includes primary members of the same team that brought you the famous and successful T2 pinball machine. It is lead by famed pinball designer Steve Ritchie. In addition to his Terminator 2, Steve is known for his designs of High Speed, Firepower, Black Knight, and Star Trek: The Next Generation. This first game by Steve in many years should be his best ever. We bring you another great Terminator game based on another great Terminator movie. Our last game brought back to pinball design and implemented very well a 2nd level playfield. With T3 Steve has brought back something else many of you have asked for --- an interactive backbox animation & action feature. Players earn the right to play the Rocket Propelled Grenade feature, shooting targets with a ball and cannon in the back box. This game has long great shots as you would expect from Steve Ritchie. Ramps are metal and strong. You will find this game has a lot on it (resulting in it being well over budget). Game play is fun. Our internal and external tests with whitewoods and hand made temporary artwork are great. The final artwork has completed most licensor approval and pre-production processes. See attached for artists rendition. You can understand that the licensor does not want some of the art out in the public too soon before the movie is released. We will make samples for you next week and the following week. Thereafter we will begin making games for export to reach you in time for late spring/early summer and for sales during the pre movie release publicity period. We will contact you shortly to confirm samples and opening orders. Terminator 3 by Steve Ritchie will be another re-introduction of a great pinball designer that will result in a great game for operators, for you, for us and for players worldwide. Best regards, Gary
Christian Grande - 5/9/2003