ØKT PRESSEFOKUS PÅ FLIPPER Stern Pinball har vært flinke med å finne alternative salgskanaler, noe som har ført til en økt dekning i amerikansk presse. En slik markedsstrategi kan utvilsomt være med på å gi flipperspill en ny oppblomstring.
I en pressemelding fra Stern meldes det om at flipperspill er nevnt i Wired Magazine, og at flippere fra Stern også fremstår som en del av varesortimentet til Frontgate og Sharper Image.
Bildet viser Rollercoaster Tycoon i katalogen til det amerikanske varemagasinet Frontgate Også her i Norge har vi den senere tid sett en økt interesse for flipper i lokale medier. Aftenposten Aften hadde for noen uker tilbake en artikkel om flipperspill, bare for å nevne ett eksempel. Artikkelen kan leses i sin helhet på web: her.
Pressemeldingen fra Stern Pinball i sin helhet Stern pinball machines are in three popular home catalogs/magazines for the upcoming holiday season, including:
ROLLERCOASTER TYCOON pinball is featured in Wired Magazines 2002 Wired Tools list of the coolest futuristic pieces of technology one can have today. Wired describes the Stern pinball as "four roller coasters, a dunk tank with a troll, and a bumper car; what more could you want from a pinball machine based on a video game?"
ROLLERCOASTER TYCOON pinball is also available though Frontgates Gentlemens Domain catalog. It describes the game as "quite frankly, this is the best pinball we have ever played (and we tested it thoroughly just to be sure)". They are selling the game for a price tag of $4,999 plus freight, taxes, and duties (if applicable).
AUSTIN POWERS pinball is back in the Sharper Image gift catalog for the holiday season. With the incredible success of "Goldmember", the third installment in the movie series, Stern has updated the characters on the playfield with a 70s Austin, with a new Fat Bastard, and a jailhouse Mini Me. Yeess, Austins Mojo is back! The sale price: $4,995 plus freight, taxes, and duties (if applicable).
Gary Stern comments; "Pinball is becoming more and more desirable to the American public, as evidenced by astute marketers including it in their offerings. These catalogs and magazines are offering new games. After years of game use operators will be able to sell their used games in the secondary market at great prices."
Christian Grande - 12/9/2002